Accounteer in Itanna

As a team, we were excited when we were accepted into the Itanna program. While some were in part excited because of the funding that comes with it, others were more optimistic about the changes that would be achieved via the program. Looking back after a few weeks in the program, it is safe to say everyone is still happy.

One of the things that made Itanna stand out is the amazing synergy they’ve created between the technical and business sides of our company. Each of these sides got a third-party view on how it operates and how it to get smarter and better. Another amazing feat of the Accelerator is the caliber of external resources that have been brought in to evaluate, educate and encourage us as a team – especially the mentors assigned. And it goes without saying that, the tutelage from the Honeywell Group staff has been topnotch.

Where there shortcomings? Yes of course, especially at the start of the program. Ranging from team adaptivity to the new environment, to adapting to other cohort companies, creating a seamless bond and also with the core program staff. It has been a learning ground for all. Of course everyone had and still has some sharp cultural and personal differences. But together, we have overcome all these and have focused more on the greater goal of building our company.

The future is bright for everyone in Accounteer and brighter for our company as a result of Itanna. But the practices learned, the network established and new friends made through Itanna always be in our stories as individuals and as an A-Team.